Tied Agents

Argus Stockbrokers Ltd, offers the investment service of Reception and Transmission of Orders in Relation to one or more Financial Instruments through the ARGUS Agents' Network.

AGENT NAME & CONTACT INFO Service Licensed to Offer Agent Since
Superior Investments Consultant Ltd (Registration Number: HE 163880) 6B Georgiou Kariou Str., 2014 Strovolos, Nicosia Tel. +357 22 768810 Reception & Transmission of Orders 01/11/2007
Αndreas Xenofontos 3 Kosti Palama, Mesa Gitonia, 4001 Limassol Tel. +357 25 753351 Reception & Transmission of Orders 01/11/2007
SHARELINK SERVICES LTD , (Registration number : HE 415166) 1st Apriliou 118, Loizou Marina Building, Paralimni, 5280, Ammochostos, Cyprus Tel: 22554122 Reception & Transmission of Orders 27/10/2021

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